Ethereum singapore

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Beginners Guide to Ethereum \u0026 How to Buy ETH in Singapore
UE Square Office Tower, 83 Clemenceau Avenue, , Singapore Ethereum is a platform and programming language that makes it possible for any developer to build and publish next-generation decentralized applications. Join us for a conference and hackathon to grow the thriving Ethereum ecosystem and spotlight Web3's potential for good with real use cases.
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The Future Health Technologies programme develops a mobile digital health technology concept to transform healthcare towards a patient-centric model. Ethereum Singapore will be an opportunity for the Ethereum community to come down and tackle problems while devising meaningful solutions in the non-profit space and show the world the possibilities to use tech for good," Qing Ze Hum, Lead of Ethereum Singapore , said in the announcement. Researchers from FHT employed a Group Model Building exercise to showcase how shared understanding of complex healthcare issues can lead to the development of more effective interventions.