What backs bitcoin

what backs bitcoin

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What Backs Bitcoin? #bitcoin
Cryptocurrencies usually aren't backed by any central authority in the same fashion as fiat currencies or another government-sanctioned medium of exchange. Cryptocurrencies aren't backed by a government or central bank. Unlike most traditional currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, the value of a cryptocurrency is. Bitcoin doesn't need backing, because its value is derived from a combination of its scarcity and its utility, derived from its fundamental.
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However, the lack of guaranteed value and its digital nature means its purchase and use carry several inherent risks. For migrant workers sending remittances back to their home countries, for instance, such fees are a major burden. The level of confidence seen in a currency can be indicated, or even preserved, by its level of usage around the world. Five myths about cryptocurrency. Therefore, nobody is in a position to make this promise, and they would not gain anything by taking on the massive liability associated with ensuring the backing.