My localbitcoins

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How To Withdraw Your Bitcoins From LocalBitcoins After Shut Down - Withdraw LocalBitcoins Balance
Originally LocalBitcoins was established to Bring Bitcoin Everywhere and drive global financial inclusion. We have honored that mission for over. LocalBitcoins, one of the oldest and best-known Bitcoin exchanges, is closing after a decade of service, with the peer-to-peer platform. LocalBitcoins has shut down. But you can still buy Bitcoin on other P2P trading alternatives. Here are the best P2P crypto trading.
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Industry observers note, however, that their abrupt closure comes at a time when the United States Financial Crimes Enforcement Network recently named the service as one of the largest Bitcoin transmitters to Russia-linked exchange Bitzlato. The best way to buy Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are the methods that are flexible enough to fit your needs, and with P2P trading, you are in control. Trade Ethereum and other ERC20 tokens with full non-custodial trading and wallets.